Hey Everyone! My name is Erik Eisold, the Naples High graduating class of
2021, and I will be joining the Eagle Battalion at Stetson University in Deland
Florida. Upon winter break of my senior year, I went to a competitive
interview, where the top cadet at 13 high schools around the State competed
for the Embry-Riddle 3 Year Army ROTC Scholarship. I won first place out of
the 13, therefore, I had won the ROTC scholarship. Within a week of winning
the interview, I had also won a 3-year ROTC scholarship to Stetson
University, a 3-year ROTC scholarship to Florida Southern College, and a 2
year ROTC scholarship to the Georgia Military Academy. Upon winning and
accepting the 3-year Army ROTC scholarship to Stetson, the Pre-Contract
scholarship was also awarded to me, which means the school will pay for 90%
of my first year of college while the Army pays for the 3 years after that. I will
be going to the Stetson to get a bachelor’s degree in Business
My four years of JROTC gave me the experience and dedication needed to be
a solid candidate for an ROTC scholarship. Through my leadership roles such
as Company Commander, Color Guard Commander, Service-Learning
Coordinator, and Battalion Commander, I was able to discover my abilities
regarding delegation, leadership, and conflict resolution. JROTC also provided
me with an abundant amount of volunteer opportunities where I was able to
get over 250 community service hours in and outside the various clubs, as
well as a physical fitness foundation. JROTC provided me with real-life
experience in being an active member of my community and helped me
develop the characteristics of a good leader.
The AROTC (Army ROTC) scholarship is rewarded based on three
categories: academics, leadership, and athletics. Although JROTC can be an
easy way to cover these, your involvement in clubs and activities around the
community is just as important to be more competitive as you prove how well-
rounded you are. Being Captain and MVP on the varsity school swim team,
Treasurer in Interact club, and an officer in National Honors Society; Along
with being selected for a variety of competitive leadership camps helped me
become a better leader. Leadership roles are good ways to show this! If
serving your country as an Officer or having a guaranteed paid college is what
you want, then start setting goals now and work as hard as you can towards
them. I urge you all to reach out to your JROTC instructors, previous
recipients including myself, and any veterans to start setting yourself up for
success now! If